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Polk County Sheriff’s Phone# 863-298-6200
If in an emergency Dial 911
Our events calendar shows the dates and times for the following: Polk Sheriff's Charities fundraisers, classes such as Women's Self Defense and Active Shooter Preparation, and PCSO oath of office and promotion ceremonies.
For more information about the fundraisers, visit their websites:
PCSO Burnham-McCall Training Center
The firearms safety course is the same course required by the FL Dept of Agriculture as part of an application to obtain a concealed weapons permit.
Class is scheduled from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. noon, and there must be a minimum of 20 attendees to hold class; if the morning class fills up, a second class will be offered from 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
YOU MUST CALL 863-298-6242 during normal business hours (Mon-Fri, 8-5) to reserve your seat. When you call, you will be given further instruction about where to go for the training.
Cost of the class is $70; a portion of the proceeds go to Polk Sheriff's Charities, Inc., and the cost is non-refundable.
Students must bring their own ammunition; if a student does not have ammo, it may be purchased from PCSO for $12.50.
Students shall not wear loose hanging clothing and shall wear close-toed shoes. Each student will be required to provide the following:
1- A modern manufacture firearm* capable of using modern ammunition.
2- 50 rounds of clean modern manufacture ammunition.
3- Modern manufacture protective eye-wear designed for a shooting environment.
4- Modern manufacture hearing protection designed for a shooting environment.
5- Adequate sun protection. (i.e. hat, long-sleeved shirt, sunscreen)
6- Adequate hydration for extended outdoor activity.
The class will start on time. Students arriving late will be asked to reschedule for a later class.
Any questions about the CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION, please call Sergeant Daniel Bennett or Sergeant Keith Caratsole at 863-534-7200, during normal office hours.
*we will have handguns available for the hands-on portion of the course, but we prefer you bring your own if possible.