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Polk County Sheriff’s Phone# 863-298-6200

If in an emergency Dial 911

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Our events calendar shows the dates and times for the following: Polk Sheriff's Charities fundraisers, classes such as Women's Self Defense and Active Shooter Preparation, and PCSO oath of office and promotion ceremonies.

For more information about the fundraisers, visit their websites:

Jeepin' With Judd

Bustin' Clays With Sheriff Grady Judd

Judd Jog

Judd Jog 2013 with Sheriff

Holiday - County Offices closed

2 September, 2024

In observance of the Labor Day holiday, and in accordance with the Board of County Commissioners, all PCSO facilities normally open from Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., which includes the Sheriff's Operations Center, all five districts, all contract city offices, both jail lobbies, and the Lawrence W. Crow building, will be closed. We will resume normal business hours on the following weekday. 

Emergency calls for service are always answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.